
Citizenship - Overview

Antigua & Barbuda




Saint Lucia

St. Kitts & Nevis




Residency- Overview






United States




June 27, 2024
New Investment Prices for Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

In a memorandum dated June 26, 2024, Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) announced new investment prices for obtaining citizenship, which will take effect upon parliamentary approval.

According to the agreement signed by five heads of governments of the OECS (Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States) territories, the minimum investment threshold will be raised to $200,000 USD by June 30, 2024.

The memorandum stated, “An agreement was reached to extend the deadline by an additional 30 days to finalize this necessary process, after which the harmonized threshold of US$200,000 will be implemented.”

The memorandum clarified, “Following the meeting, numerous queries relating to application submission have been fielded by the Unit. Therefore, clear guidance on the minimum acceptable documentation to facilitate the processing of applications is provided for agents. This guidance represents the minimum documentation required to be uploaded to the Agents’ portal for the eligibility criteria to be met by an applicant. The physical documents and initial fees are required to be submitted to the Unit within 21 days of the electronic upload”.

YouTube video


Proposed Amendments to Investment Thresholds 

Antigua and Barbuda Proposed Amendments to Investment Thresholds:


Old prices New prices*
National Development Fund (NDF)
$100,000 USD (For a family of 1 to 4) $230,000 USD (For a family of 1 to 4)
$125,000 USD (For a family of 5 or more) $245,000 USD (For a family of 5 or more)
University of the West Indies (UWI) Fund
$150,000 USD $300,000 USD
Real Estate Investment
 $200,000 USD.  $325,000 USD.
Business Investment
Thresholds remain unchanged.

National Development Fund (NDF)

For a family of 1 to 4: minimum investment threshold of $230,000 USD.
For a family of 5 or more: the minimum investment threshold of $245,000 USD.


University of the West Indies (UWI) Fund

Minimum investment threshold of $300,000 USD.


Real Estate Investment

Minimum investment threshold of $325,000 USD.


Business Investment

Thresholds remain unchanged.


Processing Fees

The processing fees remain unchanged at US$30,000 for a single applicant up to a family of 4, except for the UWI for which the processing fees are included in the investment amount. For a family of 5 or more, processing fees have been reduced to US$10,000 for each additional dependent.


Memo to Stakeholders re Programme Changes and Guidance on File Submission_26th June 2024

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